Battle Quest Comics is a scrappy small publisher that has been around for a decade, with their lead title, No’Madd: The Cave of Broken Tombs, releasing its third issue on February 7. This double-sized issue will also be available for Free Comic Book Day. Battle Quest has three impressive comics in the fantasy and science fiction action-adventure genre, namely No’Madd, The Trident of Aurelia, and Steel Siege. If you visit the Battle Quest website, you can download the first issues of all three comics. They have recently teamed up with Diamond for distribution and are increasing their presence by attending the ComicsPRO meeting in Pittsburgh from February 22-24. In the third issue of No’Madd: The Cave of Broken Tombs, there are plenty of fantasy elements. The story follows No’madd’s son, Taron, who is mentored by Whispers, a hermit seer, as he prepares for the battle against alien invaders. Meanwhile, a new sinister foe emerges across the sea of storms. This issue will be followed by a double-sized issue featuring stories from both No’Madd and Steel Siege. In the No’Madd story, the hero must fight for his life against an advanced alien monstrosity, while in the Steel Siege story, a ruthless assassin poses a threat to Dove’s volatile diplomatic mission. Battle Quest Comics is also offering a one-shot for Free Comic Book Day called Steel Siege: Search and Rescue. Co-written by Battle Quest publisher Andrew Kafoury and Justin Zimmerman, with art by Sid Ven Blue, this independent effort will be available on May 4th. Retailers can request a bundle by emailing Battle Quest Comics at [email protected] with their store’s primary address and preferred contact information.
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