In Catwoman #66, Selina Kyle and Scandal initiate their plan to seek the help of Santa Espada and Flamingo.
Catwoman #66 main cover by David Nakayama.
Title: Catwoman #66Writer: Tini HowardArtist: Ivan ShavrinColor Artist: Ivan Shavrin & Veronica GandiniMain Cover: David NakayamaVariant Covers: Rachta Lin & Pablo Villalobos; Otto Schmidt (1:25); W Scott Forbes (1:50)Release Date: June 18, 2024
This comic book review contains spoilers.
Scandal Savage and Selina Kyle are asleep. Selina is suffering from a nagging headache, and Scandal can hear something that is driving her crazy. Selina has a dream with the cat god who tells her that there is something foreign in her. Scandal wakes up Selina, and since Selina cannot hear or detect anything, they put their plan into motion.
Scandal calls Flamingo and Santa Espada separately, saying that she has the item they are looking for. Neither villain is aware that the other is involved. Scandal is to present a seemingly unconscious and captured Catwoman. She will turn over her prisoner for the right price.
Both villains take the bait. Scandal presents the prize and then leaves to negotiate with the two villains separately. Catwoman, using a device she “borrowed” from Batman, will make her escape to the second container, rebind herself, and be presented as a helpless captive. Santa Espada suspects a trick when she notices blood on the floor. Flamingo stabbed Selina in the leg to verify that she was still alive. This leads to a standoff where Catwoman knocks out Flamingo, and Scandal fights with Santa. Eventually the henchmen of the two villains are killed, leaving all the main villains to discuss what is happening.
The four agree that Viceroy is pulling a scam on all of them, so they set up a last stand in Gotham with Selina and Scandal’s people to help.
Scandal Savage’s wake-up call. Image courtesy of DC Comics.
The best part of this book again is the art. I actually preferred the final product of the second colorist better than the first colorist but there are noticeable continuity errors. In the beginning pages when Selina is shown in the container as a prisoner, her costume is still torn up as was shown in Catwoman #65 and her hands are handcuffed in her front. The last time Flamingo opens the container before the fight, Catwoman’s costume is whole and her hands are handcuffed behind her back. There is definitely something up here.
Catwoman does noticeably look better after her hands cuffed behind her back scene. The musculature in her body is more pronounced, and yes, she has a sexier look. The issue though is with her ears. They are droopy, and that is not a part of any of her costumes I have seen in the past.
There really is not much to say about this story. In my summary, I left out the main reveal which goes back to the Gotham War story. Not really worth repeating here. Now this story has moved from its religious exploration to a heist type of story with deception? This whole plot is so convoluted that it is really hard even to describe, somehow both Scandal and Selina have to be two places at once involving two villains who do not know the presence of the other. This just reads and sounds like a bad double date where the guy has a date with two women at the same time.
Editor’s Note: DC Comics provided TBU with an advanced copy of this comic for review purposes. You can find this comic and help support TBU in the process by purchasing this issue digitally on Amazon or a physical copy of the title through Things From Another World.
Final Thoughts
When will this story ever end? I am ready to move on please.
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