Set to debut this year, James Gunn’s Creature Commandos is DC Studios’ first shared universe animated series, with characters to be featured in both the series and live action projects. The ensemble cast includes David Harbour (Stranger Things), Indira Varma (Doctor Who), and Frank Grillo (confirmed as Rick Flag Sr. in the show and Peacemaker season 2).
The show promises to showcase James Gunn’s unique perspective within the DC Universe. Executive producer Dean Lorey described it as a new take on Amanda Waller assembling an anti-hero gang, but this time with monsters. While the concept may not be groundbreaking, it will set the tone for the new version of the DCU.
David Harbour, who plays a classic monster in the series, praised Creature Commandos for its wacky and complex nature, reflecting Gunn’s creative mind. He highlighted the depth and complexity of the characters, particularly Frankenstein’s monster, and expressed excitement for how the show will expand the DC Universe.
Creature Commandos is set to premiere on Max this year, offering a fresh take on the DC Universe.
For more entertainment news, stay updated on the latest releases from Marvel, Star Wars, and Star Trek, as well as the future of the DC Universe and Doctor Who.
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