Outersloth, a fund created by Among Us developer Innersloth, has been established to support the development of more games. This indie fund, announced during the Summer Game Fest Live show, aims to share success, support indies, and contribute to a better industry without involving investors or acquisitions.
Announcing our indie game fund: OUTERSLOTH! 🚀 We’re so lucky to be where we are – thanks to you! You made us independent: no investors/acquisitions. Sharing our success, supporting indies, and contributing to a better industry is extremely important to us. It’s sloth time. 🦥 pic.twitter.com/XumYNdvfWFJune 7, 2024
Outersloth has already backed several games, including Mars First Logistics, Battle Suit Aces, Mossfield Archives, One BTN Bosses, Rogue Eclipse, and Project Dosa. The fund’s approach is described as freeform, focusing on funding games without seeking publishing rights or intellectual property ownership.
The fund’s website states, “We want to fund your game. We don’t want to publish your game. We don’t want your IP. We just want to see fun, original, and clever games get made. And we want to make that as friendly as possible.”
The Outersloth reveal video emphasizes the desire to support other indie developers using the success of Among Us. The fund’s goal is to help fund unique and creative games in the industry.
As of March, 10,000 Among Us players were using outdated versions, prompting developers to urge them to update to the latest version.