In Batman: The Brave and the Bold #8, readers are presented with a collection of stories set in the DC universe. The issue features multiple writers and artists, including Guillem March, Gabriel Hardman, John Higgins, Kyle Starks, Fernando Pasarin, and Matt Herms. The comic was released on December 26, 2023.
The first story, titled “Batman: Pygmalion Part 3,” written and illustrated by Guillem March, explores the concept of identity and the power of the mind. The story follows Bryce, an amnesiac former green beret who believes he might be Batman. March delves into the idea of what one can achieve if their mind is free from limitations and self-doubt. While the story has to contrive a way for Bryce to pass as Batman, it ultimately concludes with him rejecting his criminal past and embracing the potential for good within himself.
The second story, “Wild Dog: Here Comes Trouble! Part 2,” written by Kyle Starks and illustrated by Fernando Pasarin, focuses on the character Wild Dog. The story follows Wild Dog as he confronts a misogynistic character named Alan to gather information about the next Midwest gang meetup. The issue ends with the revelation that the mysterious supervillain causing trouble in the area is Gizmo, leading to a violent confrontation in a parking lot. Starks utilizes humor and a distinctly Midwestern setting to tell his story.
While the issue features exciting and action-packed moments, it falls short in fully exploring the deeper themes introduced in the setup of each story. The conclusion to the first story feels disappointing, as the character development of Bryce is cut short once the real Batman appears. The art throughout the issue remains strong, with effective page layouts and skillful action sequences. Overall, the issue provides an entertaining read, with standout moments such as the Scarface twist in the first story and the humorous Midwestern elements in the second story.
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