Written by: Joshua WilliamsonArt by: Nikola ČižmešijaColors by: Rex LokusLetters by: Steve WandsCover art by:Simone Di MeoCover price: $4.99Release date: February 13, 2024
Is Zach really the obsessed son of Victor Zsasz? In Batman And Robin #6, you find out for sure, and Joshua Williamson puts readers on a heck of a ride to find out. The Manga influences are more evident in this issue than any other in this series, and maybe that\’s a good thing.
When last we left the father/son duo of Bruce and Damian, the current Boy Wonder\’s belief that Principal Stone is really Mistress Harsh, aka Shush, led to a deep dive into all students. Damian learned Zach\’s past records smelled more than fishy, which led to a surveillance operation that uncovered Zach\’s obsession with his father, Victor Zsasz?!?
Now, Batman and Robin arrange a stakeout at Zsasz\’s appeal hearing, which happens to be the only day Zach skips school to keep an eye out for shenanigans. The Dynamic Duo doesn\’t have to wait long. A skilled ninja attacks the police caravan in an attempt to free Victor Zsasz. Batman and Robin intervene, and we learn with certainty Zach\’s connection to Zsasz.
Later, Damian openly accuses Principal Stone of being Mistress Harsh, aka Shush, because Zach could only attempt to free Zsasz with the skill he showed if he was trained by someone with assassin knowledge. The issue ends with a visit to one of Man-Bat\’s old labs after Batman\’s warning system triggers, and the visit reveals an old Robin ally has come to town.
If that seems like a lot, that\’s because it is, but Williamson keeps the plot moving, clean, and clear, so you definitely feel you\’re getting your money\’s worth for the cover price.
What\’s great about Batman And Robin #6? The highlight of the issue is the growing Bond between Bruce and Damian as they begin to find a personal relationship dynamic that works. In short, Bruce and Damian are beginning to see each other as father and son, and it works.
What\’s not so great about Batman And Robin #6? The “mystery” surrounding Principal Stone\’s identity seems needlessly drawn out and pointless. How easy would it be for Batman to get a DNA sample or confirm Principal\’s Stone personal history records? The mystery only works if you suspend enough disbelief that Principal Stone\’s identity couldn\’t easily be sussed out by the world\’s greatest detective, so it doesn\’t work.
How\’s the art? Nikola Čižmešija\’s strongly Manga-influenced style is a perfect fit for the action and emotional beats in Williamson\’s script. Unfortunately, figure details are lost on the wider panels, so the art looks great until it doesn\’t.
About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of ComicalOpinions.com, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.
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Bits and Pieces:
Batman And Robin #6 is a surprisingly entertaining and wholesome entry in the series when the Dynamic Duo stops crime while starting to build a familial bond. Williamson\’s emotional beats and relationship dynamic are on point, and Čižmešija\’s looks great during the emotional and action scenes. However, the mystery surrounding Principal Stone is starting to get silly, and Čižmešija\’s art loses too much character detail in the wider panels.