Marvel Comics is set to unleash a new X-team this April in Weapon X-Men, a thrilling series pitting iconic mutants against the sinister Baron Strucker and his super-army. This powerhouse lineup features Wolverine, Deadpool, Cable, Chamber, and Thunderbird as they face a high-stakes battle to stop Strucker’s bid for world domination.
Adding to the excitement is the introduction of Weapon Exile, a mysterious new character whose role could tip the scales in this epic showdown. Packed with intense action, unexpected twists, and fan-favorite mutants, Weapon X-Men #3 promises to be a must-read for X-Men fans.
Don’t miss this explosive debut coming to comic shops this April!
Joe Casey (W) • ChrisCross (A/C) • VARIANT COVER BY STEVE SKROCE
The newest X-team on the block faces their first trial by fire! Baron Strucker and his new super-army intend to conquer the world – with only Wolverine, Deadpool, Cable, Chamber and Thunderbird standing in their way! This one is a battle for the ages that you can’t afford to miss! Also introducing – WEAPON EXILE!