In the Star Wars universe, during the High Republic era, the Tarkin family plays a significant role in the expansion and governance of the Outer Rim territories. The Tarkins are known for their ambition, ruthlessness, and military prowess, traits that would later be embodied by Wilhuff Tarkin, the Grand Moff from the Original Trilogy. In the High Republic era, the Tarkin family is involved in the political and military landscape, contributing to the Republic’s efforts to bring order to the frontier regions of the galaxy. Their influence and methods foreshadow the more authoritarian rule that will come under the Empire in later years.
The Tarkin family’s legacy is built on a combination of cunning strategy and an unyielding belief in the necessity of strength to maintain order, setting the stage for their future dominance in the galaxy’s history. This week in Star Wars the High Republic Adventures #10 2024 we get introduced to another Tarkin named Navaj.
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