Nadia Amine is one of the more controversial figures in the Call of Duty streaming space, and today she let out a bombshell claim that she is blacklisted from Call of Duty Tournaments due to NSFW photos.
The popular streamer Nadia has found herself on the wrong end of controversy again today after posting on her official X (formerly Twitter) account today. Nadia has been a polarizing figure in the Call of Duty competitive and streaming scene for a multitude of reasons over the past few years, and not all of them are good.
A small recap for the uninitiated: Nadia has faced controversy before in many different ways. Aside from the notorious Twitch ban she faced for two weeks back in 2022 for exposing personal information (which she was released from early), Nadia has seen heat for (unproven thus far) cheating allegations and Cronus Zen aimbot usage.
These allegations were due to her talent on Twitch streams not translating to the main stage, where her hands are visible for everyone to see. Her latest event performance in the Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Beta event in September 2022 has been sub-par, to say the least, with a 4-16 K/D ratio, which is a far cry from the beatdowns she normally showcases on her live streams.
Today she faces a new controversy due to a bombshell post she made on social media, claiming “completely black listed from playing call of duty tournaments all for posting bikini pictures” while affirming other ‘guy’ Call of Duty players can post nudity on social media and not face repercussion.
Nadia doubles down in a further post, clarifying her gender-based stance on her original statement with “it’s sad to see instead of boys accepting a woman is better at them in a video game, they have to perpetuate the idea they cheated in order to sleep at night.” Nadia says she was not invited to the CoD: MW3 Sadie Hawkins event, which is where her allegation of ‘blacklist’ comes from.
Fans have been incredibly divided on the topic. User CyberStephanie agrees with the claims saying, “the e-sports community will find any reason to exclude women because they know we would dominate the space if we didn’t face the misogyny and barriers placed by men.” Other users like CyberNetixLive have rejected the notion, asking for proof of the reasoning with “Is there actual proof of that being the reason?”