It has been ten years since the world premiere of It Follows, the groundbreaking horror film by writer/director David Robert Mitchell. Although the film wasn’t widely released until the spring of 2015, the anticipation leading up to this high-concept horror experience was palpable and thrilling, making it worth reminiscing about the film as early as possible.
Fortunately, revisiting this modern classic is currently very accessible. It Follows is available for streaming on Peacock just in time for Halloween, allowing you to easily watch Mitchell’s film, Maika Monroe’s standout performance, and one of the essential horror films of the 21st century. A decade later, the film may even be more impactful now than when it first premiered.
Reasons to Watch It Follows
This film has had a lasting influence on the horror genre, alongside hits like The Babadook, The Witch, and Only Lovers Left Alive, all released around the same time in the mid-2010s. Its story is well-known: Jay (Monroe), a college student, becomes cursed after a troubling sexual encounter. An invisible entity begins following her, only visible to her, with the intent to kill her unless she passes the curse on by sleeping with someone else.
It Follows taps into primal human fears, like the sensation of being watched or followed, amplifying them by introducing a relentless, unseen entity. Mitchell’s script expertly explores these fears while delivering genuine scares and suspense, keeping viewers on edge and questioning their surroundings.
The film’s enduring appeal lies in its ambiguous narrative, allowing for various interpretations of its themes. Mitchell’s dreamlike approach to the story’s logic creates a timeless quality, blurring the lines between past and present. Set in a world where technology and aesthetics mix, It Follows captures the complexities and uncertainties of early adulthood, where nostalgia and anticipation collide.
As the characters navigate the terror of the entity and the transition to adulthood, the film resonates with the universal fears of growing up and facing the unknown. The entity’s origins remain shrouded in mystery, inviting viewers to ponder its symbolic significance and how it reflects the characters’ internal struggles.
Now available on Peacock, It Follows continues to captivate audiences with its nuanced storytelling and chilling atmosphere, offering a thought-provoking and immersive horror experience.
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