In 2014, Sam Wilson took on the role of Captain America and Hasbro followed suit by releasing a Marvel Legends figure of him in 2016. However, fans were disappointed with the lack of wings on the figure, which was a key aspect of Sam’s costume. Now, 8 years later, Hasbro has redeemed themselves with the launch of a comics-based Target Exclusive Symbol of Truth Captain America Sam Wilson action figure. This new figure features impressive wings and improved functionality, making it a must-have for fans of Sam Wilson. Despite the figure still having pinned knees and elbows, the new wings and accessories like the shield and interchangeable hands make it a worthwhile purchase. The figure is now available exclusively on the Target website in the United States, with a release in Canada planned for later this year. Marvel collectors are encouraged to check out this new release and decide if it’s worth the $34.99 price tag.
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