Welcome back to another installment of Indie Comics Showcase, the weekly blog where we signal boost a few truly independent comics that are currently crowdfunding their projects, crowdsourcing their funding in some way, or just completely self-publishing on their own. Every little bit of support for these creators matters, from a single dollar pledge to the twenty-five dollar bundle, and of course the higher tiers are usually fun too! Even if you can’t back a campaign or buy a book, you can share or tweet about these projects to your friends and followers.
On Indie Comics Showcase, we interview the creators, show off some art, and tell you how you can check out the product for yourself. Below we have some outstanding crowdfunding campaigns this week for you to learn about, enjoy, and hopefully support by backing one or more of them! Thanks for checking these out and for being the best part of Indie Comics Showcase. Let’s jump in!
Check out the campaign here!
Chris Braly: Welcome to Indie Comics Showcase, Andy! Hit me with your elevator pitch for A Saga of Sunsets!
Andy Pritchard: This 72+ page full-color epic follows the legend of a band of orcs led by Jarl Himinn Hoarfist within the unforgiving world of Arkae. Aboard a unique flying longship known as the Evening Star, they seek a peaceful place to lay their king to rest across the Endless Water–but legends are rarely born peacefully. With his two sons along for the journey and the crown on the line, Himinn has everything to gain but even more to lose in this high-flying Viking epic. Because I adapted it myself from the original source material, A Saga of Sunsets has a defined beginning and end with no cliffhangers!
CB: How did this graphic novel come into being?
AP: The idea started as a spinoff short story within my full-length novel’s world of Arkae as an in-world legend inspired by the real-life Kensington Runestones. It grew into one of the entries of my debut short story collection, “Mortal Descent” and from there was developed into a few pages of sequential art by Luke Stone from MD’s profits. From there, it was developed into a 15-page preview by Anvil Magazine for their third issue & now has its own campaign to finish the proven concept. Since its inception, ASoS has been on steady path to bring itself into existence via self-publishing & the art / story both speak to that.
CB: What kind of comic readers is this suited for and who is it aimed at?
AP: For fans of Vikings, fantasy, mythology, & history, ASoS is a parade of memorable characters cutting their way across a well-developed world. It’s even filled with symbolism for those who have the eyes to see it! The story can get incredibly brutal without crossing over into the “mature” category, thus parental guidance IS suggested for younger readers. It goes out to other fathers out there like me, who just want to leave a lasting legacy behind for their children.
CB: Tell us about your style and creative process, and how you developed them