This review is about Detective Pikachu Returns, a game for Nintendo Switch. In this game, Detective Pikachu and his partner Tim Goodman work together to uncover a Pokémon-related conspiracy in Ryme City. Similar to the first game in the series, Detective Pikachu Returns combines elements of genre fiction with the expansive world of Pokémon, resulting in a captivating and insightful expansion of the franchise. The sequel takes the narrative to new heights and is a must-play for fans of the original game. It is important to note that Detective Pikachu Returns is a sequel to the Detective Pikachu game for 3DS, not the movie adaptation. Ideally, a combo pack including both games will be released in the future. However, for players who have experienced the original game on 3DS, this long-awaited sequel delivers. The gameplay in Detective Pikachu Returns differs from the mainline Pokémon games by focusing on interviewing characters to gather clues and solve mysteries, rather than participating in battles. Players must back up their deductions with evidence and engage in careful analytical thought. While some may find the repetitive elements frustrating, younger players can benefit from the game’s intentional demonstration of analytical processes. Detective Pikachu Returns continues to offer players a unique perspective into the world of Pokémon, showcasing how they play a role in society beyond being trained fighters. The game allows players to step into the role of Detective Pikachu himself at various points, teaming up with other Pokémon. This adds fun gameplay elements and visually stunning interactions. The game also explores the impact of Pokémon on day-to-day life, appealing to players who are interested in the details included in the Pokédex entries. The music in Detective Pikachu Returns is fantastic, with catchy tunes that will stay with players long after they finish playing. Communication plays a central role in the game, as Tim and Pikachu’s ability to communicate allows them to understand the Pokémon involved in the mystery. The game emphasizes that communication is possible even without a shared language, enriching the narrative and the franchise as a whole. Overall, Detective Pikachu Returns is a compelling entry in the series, with its charming protagonist and intriguing exploration of the world of Pokémon.
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