The upcoming medical drama Brilliant Minds marks Zachary Quinto’s return to NBC, where he previously starred in the superhero drama Heroes as the villain Sylar. Quinto recently shared on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon that the connection between the two shows goes beyond just being on the same network.
Quinto explained, “The catalyst of the show Heroes is that a solar eclipse awakens people to their powers, and Brilliant Minds started filming on the day of a solar eclipse. So, it’s a full circle moment.”
Despite some similarities in the characters Quinto portrays, there are significant differences. In Brilliant Minds, he plays Dr. Olivier Wolf, a kind neurologist seeking to help his patients by studying the brain. On the other hand, Sylar in Heroes was a supervillain who killed individuals with superpowers to steal their abilities by examining their brains.
As Brilliant Minds’ premiere approaches, let’s take a look back at who Sylar was in Heroes.
Sylar made his debut in the first season of Heroes as a psychopathic serial killer hunting down people with superpowers. Throughout the series, the main characters work together to stop Sylar and prevent a catastrophe in New York City.
While Sylar remains a threat throughout Heroes, he goes through a complex journey of grappling with the villain he has become. By the series finale, Sylar adopts a heroic persona, bringing his character arc to a close.
For those interested in watching Heroes, it is now available for streaming on Peacock. Brilliant Minds, featuring Quinto as a neurologist, airs on NBC on Mondays and is also available on Peacock.
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